(559) 447-1752

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Do I have to wear a mask?


Our physical meetings are carefully compliant with current health standards. Currently, we leave any masking decisions up to the individual. Even though churches are exempt from the government’s guidelines, we still desire those who are “at risk” or unvaccinated and uninfected by COVID, in the spirit of love, take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and others.


What do I wear?


Dress is generally comfortable. Many will be wearing jeans and casual clothing.


Is prayer involved?


We pray several times throughout the service, recognizing God’s role in uniting His people and capturing our hearts.



What is the music style?


We sing mostly contemporary God honoring worship songs and selections of hymns in a more contemorary style. Worship ususally consists of 2-3 worship songs to open our service and one to close. The lyrics are made available on screen, so all may sing along.


What is the preaching style?

After worship, the pastor will share a message from the Word.  We believe that biblical and Christ exalting preaching is central to  worship.  The method of teaching is expository preaching, which is peaching through a Book of the Bible verse by verse, so you understand the context and meaning of the passage.  





What do I do about children?


We are currently offering a nursery and Children’s Classes for children who are potty trained. We do provide tables for families, which makes it easier for kids to color, use devices, or even take notes if they’re older.


Is the service available online?


We provide a weekly service online at our Facebook page. This service mirrors what we provide in person on Saturday afternoons. You can join us Sunday mornings at 11 AM, with an opportunity to worship from home and connect with others during the live chat.

Our services are also posted to our YouTube channel for viewing at a convenient time for you.